Winter white dwarf hamster

scientific name:
Phodopus sungoru
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: The number of hamsters in Kazakhstan is low. On virgin lands, its density is usually below 1%, and only in old fields it can reach 2-4 animals per 100 trap-days. A higher density (10-15%) is observed on the right bank of the Irtysh, especially north of Pavlodar. The number decreases to the north, and it is rare and sporadic in the southern edges of its range.  

Status. Undefined

Habitat.  The winter white dwarf hamster is widespread in the northern, north-eastern and central parts of Kazakhstan. The western border of their range previously ran from Petropavlovsk to Shchuchinsk and Astana, as well as Dolinsky in the Karaganda region. Subsequently, it was found on the left bank of the Ishim and on the right bank of this river in the Kokshetau region and Akmola region, as well as in the foothills of Tarbagatai and Shemonaiha. In the southeastern part of Kazakhstan, it is found in the vicinity of Karaganda and Sarterek.

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)