Population: During the second half of the 20th century, the population on lake Alakol ranged from 0 to 1,200pairs (asof 1977). In 2023, three breeding pairs were observed, and in 2024, five pairs were observed. In 2017, 20 pairs nested on lake Aksor in the Pavlodar region. The global population is estimated at between 10 thousand and 20 thousand individuals..
Status. A rare and endangered species (Category I).
Habitat. In Kazakhstan, since 1968, it has been living on the islands of Alakol. In 1984, the successful breeding of one pair was noted on an island inthe eastern part of Lake Balkhash. After the disappearance of the Balkhashcolony in2003-2004 a new settlement emerged on Lake Axor in the Pavlodar region in 2005-2007..