Common Pheasant

scientific name:
Phasianus colchicus
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: Common, though sometimes rare. The global population is estimated at about 160 million to 220 million mature individuals. In Europe, the population is increasing.  

Status. Non-endangered game animal.

Habitat.  It is a sedentary bird, occupying the floodplain forests of southeastern Kazakhstan, inthe valley of the Chu River, the Balkash-Alakol and Zaisan basins, west to the Shu-Iley Mountains and the Zhetyzhol ridge, as well as in the Syrdarya Valleyand the Northern Caspian Region adjacent to the Yedila delta. It has also settled in mountainous regions (in 2003 it was observed on the Big Almaty Lake, 2500 m above sea level). Despite widespread distribution and high numbers in most areas, populations may be locally declining due to habitat loss and over-hunting.

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)