Population: The total number in Kazakhstan has not been estimated. The maximum number of red-tailed gerbils was recorded in the mountainous Mangyshlak, in the southern part of Betpakdala, the Ileysky basin and on the northern slopes of the Shuileysky mountains — up to 20-80 individuals per 1 hectare. In areas with low population (Ustyurt, Northern Aral Sea region, Betpakdala) it is 1-5 individuals per 1 ha. In the interfluve of the Urals and Emba, in Mangyshlak and in Aryskum, the density reaches 6-25 individuals per 1 hectare.
Status. Non-endangered species of no economic value, but with ecological and cultural significance
Habitat. The Libyan jird is widespread in Kazakhstan, mainly in clay and gravelly deserts. In the northern part of its range, its distribution is limited, with the exception of some foothill areas. In the southern regions of the republic, the sandpiper is much more common and occupies a larger number of biotopes.