Blue-cheeked Bee-eater

scientific name:
Merops persicus
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: Common species. The size of the global and Kazakh populations has not been quantified. The European populationis estimated at 5.3 thousand to 15.5 thousand pairs, which corresponds to 10.5–31.1 thousand mature individuals, but Europe accounts for less than 5% of the global range..  

Status. Non-endangered and non-game species but with ecological and cultural significance.

Habitat.  In Kazakhstan, it breeds from the southern half, north to the settlements of Novaya Kazanka, Raygorodok and the Gray tract on Will, the Northern Aral Seanear Akespe station, Betpak-Dalys at Chulak-Espe and the mouth of the Ile. About 3-4 pairs nested on the western shore of Alakol in 1993. Flights near Orenburg, to Naurzum (2002), to the lower reaches of Turgai (1975) and to Korgalzhyn (1970) are known..

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)