Ruddy shelduck

scientific name:
Tadorna ferruginea
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: Common species. There are only isolated observations. For example, in the winter of 2007-2008, up to 800 individuals were observed on Sorbulak Lake. The global population is estimated at between 170 thousand to 220 thousand individuals..  

Status. Non-endangered game animal.

Habitat.  In Kazakhstan, the Ruddy Shelduck nests throughout the territory, including plains and mountainous regions. It is wide spread in the east and southeast, including the mountain systems from the Southern Altai and Saur to Tarbagatai, Zhetysu Alatau and Tien Shanmountain ranges. It is the only species of duck that lives along the entire vertical profile of the mountains from the foothill deserts to the alpine watersheds of the ridges at altitudes up to 4000 m above sea level. It winters south of Shymkent, or near Zharkent, and in the lower reaches of the Shara River. In mild winters it is found in the Urals near the island of Barsakelmes..

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)