Great Crested Grebe

scientific name:
Podiceps cristatus
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: The global population is estimated at between 915 thousand and 1.4 million individuals. It is a common migratory breeding bird in Kazakhstan..  

Status. Non-endangered species of economic value other than hunting.

Habitat.  In Kazakhstan, it breeds and occurs during migrations in reservoirs throughout the republic, including the Southern Altai (Lake Markakol), but excluding the arid areas of Mangyshlak and deserts without reservoirs. Small numbers are known to winter in the south of Kazakhstan in the lower reaches of the Arys, Keles, Syrdarya and the Caspian Sea. In mild winters it is found in the Urals near the island of Barsakelmes and on Lake Sorbulak.

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)