Cinereous Vulture

scientific name:
Aegypius monachus
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: The number of cinereous vultures (also known as black vultures) in Kazakhstan was estimated at 250 pairs or slightly less more than 20 years ago, but there is insufficient data to estimate the current number. The global population of the species is estimated at between 8.4 thousand and 11.4 thousand pairs, which is equivalent to 16.8 thousand to 22.8 thousand mature individuals. There are probably 5.5 thousand to 8 thousand pairs nesting in Asia..  

Status. A rare, endangered, and vulnerable species whosenumbers are decreasing (Category II).

Habitat.  In Kazakhstan, the black vulture breeds in mountainous areas from Kazgurt and Karatau in the south to Altai in the north, including the Tien Shan, Chu-Ili, Karatau, and Zhetysu Alatau mountain ranges. Breedingsites are known in the Ustyurt Nature Reserve and Buiratau National Park. It is widely in Naurzum, the Tengiz-Kurgaldzhinsky depression, the PavlodarIrtysh region, Altai, Tarbagatai and other areas. It is rare in winter buthas been observed near Ust-Kamenogorsk, in Terskei Alatau, on the Almaty - Bakanas road and on the Shardara reservoir..

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)