Saker Falcon

scientific name:
Falco cherrug
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: The global population of the Saker falcon is estimated at between 6.1 thousand and 14.9 thousand pairs. InKazakhstan, in 2012, their numbers were estimated at between 700-1400 pairs. The number is currently decreasing, so much so that in recent years that it has become endangered in many regions of Kazakhstan..  

Status. Rare and endangered species (Category I).

Habitat.  The Saker falcon occupies forest-steppe, steppe, and desert zones of Eurasiafrom the lower reaches of the Danube in the west to the Great Khingan in the east. In Kazakhstan, it breeds in the mountainous regions of the south and eastof the republic, in Betpak-Dal, the mountain groups of Kyzylkum, Mangyshlak, on the chinks of Ustyurt, in the island forests of Naurzum and ribbon forests along the Irtysh; in the lower reaches of Turgai and in Western Kazakhstan..

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)