The Himalayan brown bear

scientific name:
Ursus arctos isabellinus
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: About 270 bears live in the Kazakhpart of the Tien Shan. More than 350 individuals live in the territory of Zhongar-Alatau (Zhetysu Alatau)..  

Status. Decreasing in range and numbers (Category III). Also listed in the Red Books of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

Habitat.  Itsrange spans the mountains of Central Asia, including the Tian Shan, Pamir-Alay, Hindu Kush, and Western Himalayas. In Kazakhstan, the northern part of its range includes the Zhongar Alatau and its spurs — Toksanbay, Koyandytau, Altyn-Emel and Kaikan — as well as the mountain ranges of the Tian Shan, suchas Ketmen, Teriskey Alatau, Kungei Alatau, Ile Alatau, Kyrgyz Alatau, TalasAlatau, UgamRidge, and Karzhantau. The bear disappeared from the SyrdaryaKaratau in the mid-20th century..

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)